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Is your child aged between 18 and 36 months? Do you want to start making it set in the water with you and with the help of an instructor? This it is possible on Saturday morning at 10.00 in a special 40-minute course.
The child soon immersed in water perceives a sensation of body balance by identifying this situation as something not totally unknown and at the same time as an external environment with which to begin to become familiar.
The Baby Swimming course includes the presence in the water of a parent, who represents the essential point of reference to allow adequate exploration, and the instructor who indicates the exercises to be performed: Parent and instructor take turns and help each other using objects that they are available to children as floating shapes and balls, watering cans, pipes and through paths set up with colorful carpets and tunnels.

Seasonal € 34.00
Baby swimming course once a week
three months € 81.00
Il corso di Nuoto Baby prevede la presenza in acqua di un genitore, che rappresenta il punto di riferimento essenziale per consentire un'adeguata esplorazione, e l'istruttore che indica gli esercizi da svolgere: genitore e istruttore si alternano e si aiutano utilizzando oggetti che sono a disposizione dei bambini come formine e palline galleggianti, annaffiatoi, tubi e attraverso percorsi allestiti con tappeti e tunnel colorati.
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